Join the Health Independence Сommunity

Faith, Family, Freedom & Food!

You’ve probably already taken steps for medical freedom and fighting healthcare tyranny.

Why not take the next steps to take stronger control of your health? Changes in diet & lifestyle can improve health outcomes. Reduce risk of disease and increase independence from pharmaceutical & healthcare providers.

Be empowered to make your own decisions about food - don’t rely on government, globalist run food companies or the overlords of industrial agriculture tell you what they think is “healthy.” Vote with your fork (and your wallet).

Take the next steps to align your diet and lifestyle with your beliefs, values and health.

Community run by Sharon @ Whispering Fields Wellness.

Obligatory Disclaimer - This is for education only. I am a health coach and do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. I support your decision-making and encourage you to implement healthy changes in your life.

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